Rise Up: It's Your Turn Now

Here in SLO, we want you and our church to be relevant in the community by answering the call God has placed in our lives.  As a Christian church, sometimes knowing how we should act on God's calling requires looking back at how God originally told leaders to rise up.

The Old Testament is filled with incredible stories and helpful illustrations that help us in our walk with the Lord. Some of the most memorable stories are found in the Judges of Israel. The time of the Judges in the history of Israel, follows the period of the conquest of the Promise Land, and right before the time of the Kings. It’s an interesting time in the history of the Israelite people as they faltered back and forth from worshiping Yahweh and following after the gods in the Promise Land. God rose up specific people to deal with a specific threat to the children of Israel. And God would use these people who answered His call to accomplish incredible things and to deliver the people from their enemies. The problem was, that when that person died, the children of Israel would go back to turning their hearts away from the Lord their God. And God’s judgement would come upon them in some other way, and then the Israelites would cry out to be rescued again and God would send another judge to deliver them, only to return to their sinful ways needing to be saved once again.

So, God used specific people to rise up and answer God’s call for their generation. Likewise, God still calls people to rise up and take a stand for Him in our sinful generation. If the power of these people that were used mightily of God came, not from themselves, but from God; then we can be assured that God will give us the strength and wisdom to accomplish great things for Him in our day and age. The call goes out, but who among us will answer the call and rise up and do what God is calling us to do?

Over the next seven weeks we will be exploring what it means to be called to Rise Up.  Maybe this is in your community, family, work, or even volunteering in your church here.  Join us at church every Sunday at 10:45am as we take a stand to Rise Up in SLO.
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