SLO Homeschool Coop

SLO Naz Church Christian Kids Homeschool Co-op in San Luis Obispo
Over the past several years, there has been an increase in the number of families electing to home school their kids.  The reasons for this trend are many.  Perhaps it is a dissatisfaction with the challenge of the courses of public education.  There might a fear that the discipline on school campuses is becoming to lax.  Maybe there is the concerns that some radical curricular ideas in our elementary schools and high schools go against the teachings and beliefs of the Christian Church.  For whatever reason, more and more families are taking on the burden and responsibility of teaching their kids at home.  

One may wonder as an ex-public school teacher and administrator whose career spanned four decades, am I pro-public education and anti-home schooling?  Or maybe I became disillusioned through years of labor in state run instruction, and will raise my voice with those who say “run away” the school establishment.  Let me simply say I worked with some of the best and faced some of my biggest challenges in my previous career as an educator, and I wouldn’t trade those years for anything.  But I also am enjoying the time I get to spend helping home school my five grandchildren here in San Luis Obispo.

I have tremendous respect for those parents who take on the task of home schooling and I want to see their efforts supported and assisted.  Home education is not a simple chore.  It takes hours of preparation, as well as a level of patience that a saint would strive to attain.  So, I was so pleased and impressed that my colleague, Pastor Lissa Melton, felt the call to have SLONaz Church step and up support the families who have opted to home school by providing an activity to provide a myriad of activities for the kids, as well as fellowship and a forum for parents.

After the initial fostering by Pastor Lissa, the Home School Co-op has become an entity planned and facilitated by the parents. Every Thursday, from 12:30 - 3:00, dozens of kids come to SLONaz and play, learn, create and fellowship with each other in support of their home curriculum.  The program continues to grow and expand its activities to include off-campus experiences and special guests bringing new activities and content to the co-op.

It has been my privilege to be one of the guest instructors in the co-op over the past several months.  I truly feel that this program meets a critical need for many of our families and invite those families involved with at home education to explore it.  You are not alone.
SLO Naz Church Christian Kids Homeschool Co-op in San Luis Obispo
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1 Comment

Tony Carignan - October 2nd, 2023 at 3:52pm

I’d like more information for my 5yr old son.


Tony Carignan