Christ in the Passover Service in SLO

Wednesday night, April 13 th , 2022 at SLO Naz Church

We are so excited to have the Jews for Jesus ministry come and do the “Christ in the Passover” service for us the Wednesday night of Passover week, here in SLO. They do an excellent job telling us about the many details of the Passover meal and how the Messiah (Jesus) is seen all throughout the details of that meal. As you may already know, the Passover celebration is observed by the Jewish people to remind them of the mercy of God that lead them out of 400 years of bondage in Egypt and eventually into the Promise Land. You might remember that the last plague on the Egyptian people was the death of the first born in each household. To protect the Jewish people from that deadly plague, the Lord told Moses to have people gather their whole family inside their homes and then sacrifice a lamb (the Passover lamb) and spread his blood across the door way of their homes; then the Lord would not let the destroyer to enter that home but rather it would “Passover” their homes and the destruction would not come upon them. Following this plague, Pharoah let the Israelites leave Egypt and go free. The Lord reminded his people to observe this Passover celebration each year ever since to remind them how the Lord spared them and had mercy on them. This foreshadows the great sacrifice that Jesus would pay for our sins on the cross as the “lamb of God” once and for all. So Jesus fulfills this great Jewish festival and we celebrate our freedom from sin and death which Jesus purchased for us by his death and resurrection.

As Christians here in San Luis Obispo we don't look at the Passover too often and view it as Jewish holiday.  In reality, there are Jews that follow Jesus and this is the central focus in our faith.  A commonality of finding Christ in the Passover can bring us together in our community as one church seeking a revival of faith in SLO!  Join us for Christ in the Passover or for our weekly service on Sundays online or in-person.  
SLO Naz Church Passover Celebration in San Luis Obispo
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